Monday, February 2, 2015

I Love You


   shelter from a cruel world
you remind me
       of compassion
compassion so great,
i can not fathom.

not just from you

   safety from a world of pain
you remind me
          of happiness
happiness so true
so everlasting

not only now

   refuge from a storm of stress
you remind me
         to breathe
breath deep
and let it pass

not just once
     --every time

   haven from the darkness
you remind me
       of love so deep,
it can't be measured

not just today
-RH 2009

This poem was a play on words as Lee is the name of my husband I wrote this poem to try and capture all the things that a lee is, a haven, a safe place. That is what love is to me a lee and my Lee provides that.

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