Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Don't Be Afraid

Right now I am working on not being afraid to be who I am. I am trying to not be afraid of singing the song of my heart.

The song of my heart
is not flashy and loud
    not fast paced with streamers
    nor puffed up and proud.

The song of my heart
is now softer and deep
    as my heart picks up notes
    that ring true and sweet.

The song of my heart
is changing with time,
     here with a ripple,
     a ring and a chime.

But the song of my heart
will never be heard,
   if I don't have the courage
   to sing like the birds.

--RH 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015

Can you ever really define love?

Beyond Even Forever

I love you to
          where sea and sky kiss,
                     branches catch the moon,
                     light dances on the waves,
          and beyond.

I love you more
           than stars brightly shine,
                   winds gustily breathe,
                   mountains regally weather,
           and more even.

I love you through
                  days swiftly turning,
                  tears gently falling,
                  laughter refeshingly caressing,
            and through forever.

I love you beyond even forever.

--RH 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

I Love You


   shelter from a cruel world
you remind me
       of compassion
compassion so great,
i can not fathom.

not just from you

   safety from a world of pain
you remind me
          of happiness
happiness so true
so everlasting

not only now

   refuge from a storm of stress
you remind me
         to breathe
breath deep
and let it pass

not just once
     --every time

   haven from the darkness
you remind me
       of love so deep,
it can't be measured

not just today
-RH 2009

This poem was a play on words as Lee is the name of my husband I wrote this poem to try and capture all the things that a lee is, a haven, a safe place. That is what love is to me a lee and my Lee provides that.